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I'm not in love ; this is not my heart.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥Saturday, February 19, 2011♥

nothing much to post about.
valentine's day just... erm.. screwed?
ugh. made me so embarrasseddddd
im not angry with ameliaaaa lahh
then she keep thinking im angry with her.
okay, back to serious matters.
it's less than 2 months before syf alr.
and i havent tune in to the serious mood.
watheck. idw history to repeat itself since MTDC wasnt that well done.
andand, im not sure if the sec 1s can catch up or notttttt.
i want combineddddd!!! no more sectionals!!
my math is totally screwed luh.
waiting for 21st, hoping he will be th saviour of my math results.

@ Saturday, February 19, 2011

♥Friday, January 28, 2011♥

GOSH, it's been quite some time since i last posted.
sec 3 life quite busy luh.
22nd's overrrr. ):
i havent tune back to th post-mtdc mood.
ugh, i wan my 22nd back. i dun wan it to end.
ryan showed off how great his charm was by flirting with girls on that day
had mac aft performance on that day with cg pepo.
i missed mtdc's percussion!!!
btw, CNY's coming, like finally!!!!.
got chance to slack le

@ Friday, January 28, 2011

♥Sunday, January 2, 2011♥

it's been kinda long since i've last posted. not much happened though. had CCA 'camp' which was kinda boring. didnt have any combined :/ went to nex on one of th days with family. bro was being idiotic [as usual]. bought some tidbits ^^ had pri 6 gathering on 31st. ugh, sch's reopening on 4th, which is damn nearrrrr. it seemed that i've kinda wasted some of th holidays away doing nth. i cant believe that it's 2011 now uh. sec 3 le... andand, seniors are leaving aft syf. gahh, i think i'll die without them, esp my 'greatgreat senior'. this is a random post[i guess]. looking forward to 22nd, ♥

@ Sunday, January 02, 2011

♥Friday, December 17, 2010♥

sun to fri [5-10dec]:
went to haiko. First time i realised that the clouds looked like cotton candy. Watched awesome performances, met awesome ppl but had not-so-awesome dinnerz. Coconuts everywhere[ewww]. The public toilets over there are 'awesome' too. The 'BEST'. The Freshman[插班生] joined the tour. They sang during dinner and on the bus. Played sheraids[idk how spell]. Got one auntie damn pro. Almost guessed correct for every qs. Mum won their CD And was like damn high. Also tld a lot of jokes and gossips. Took a cable car to see monkeyys. China ppl are seriously rough and competitive. While waiting for the tour bus, our tour group kena cut queue by some china ppl. Ended up having two lines. Then 陈迪雅 told them to queue behind us. Wah she's damn brave luh. Then she told 杨佳莹:" we are 插班生 yet we havent cut any queue." She damn joker. 陈迪雅 invited us kids to their room to chit-chat and play games one of the nights. They let us see some of their official videos and random vids. Basil and jolynn left first at 11pm, followed by me and sis at 11.30pm. A lot of ppl from C.O during their sec sch sia. Talked about CO and th instruments. Last day was spent shopping [ changed of plans]. Saw a top which cost RMB400[S$80++]. Damn ex. took the 5+pm plane back. fell asleep for a while and there goes my dinner
): but anyway the airplane's food damn ex luh

@ Friday, December 17, 2010

♥Monday, November 29, 2010♥

heard from Jiamin and Yeon Jae that Wu wanted Xu to come back teach.
but maybe joking only.
then started talking about Xu.
Yeon Jae seemed interested in him.

day out with XinYan!
bought food from Chewy Juniors.
andand, the food is really chewy

CG sectional practice.
i cant play fast enough.
aft break, combined practice.

CG combined session.
ended up eating cheryl's potato chips.
suddenly two erhu's senior behind me.
i shocked tio sia.
then they also want eat. hahah.

got up at 7am.
met amelia at 8am.
met xin yan at 8.30am.
reached PRSS at about 8.48am.
MTDC 'camp'!
all the pri sch kids reached earlier than us
damn crowded. made the room feel small.
then damn noisy also. heard from somebody that pri+sec=90+pupils.
supposed to be combined practice until 12pm.
ended up percussion in th room practice with pri sch kids, the rest went to hall for combined
after a while, moved instruments up to hall for combine.
instruments damn heavy. some even no use de also moved up for nth
percussion got scolded for arranging instruments wrongly.
wth. also not our fault.
12pm, lunched.
food was not bad(much better than CSS)
after break, had sort of a rehearsal
finally! percussion solo \m/
shawn said it was nice (:
then went up on stage with YJ to rehearse other songs.
quite scary.
3.30pm, break time!
aft that, played games organised by last year MTDC's graduates.
luckily same group as uv.
played some sort of intro game, followed by whacko.
i tio one time.
last game was passing th puzzle.
ryan tio one time. but at least he got a prize[biscuits] aft th forfeit.

ryan shared with us bis biscuits.
ended up eating during combined session cos percussion damn slack
combined without pri sch kids.
lunch was better than ytd.
organised some games with pupils from other schs.
aft break, went through theory and practiced a bit more before we played games.
ended up going to the hall to settle money problems.
finally collected mtdc file and shirt and went home.

last day of camp.
test aft lunch.
luckily fu lao shi tested me.
aug 4th i say maj 4th.
opps :X
ate with nicole, amelia, xy, shawn, jy and jm.
aft that, sectional practice+test.
most of us got 87, except for YJ[93]
(as expected)
slacked while instructor grading.
anyhow played th timpani :X
then practiced tech., journey, tian zhang and finally huang he.
aft break instructor received his mtdc shirt.
he doesnt like it. heh.
then we keep saying we want his shirt and asked him to try it.
he forgot to unbutton th shirt before putting it on.
his head got stucked in the end.
damn funny luh. we laughed like siao.
then just nice shawn came in from the back.
he saw sia. then laughed too.
ended up practicing a bit for huang he cos we cant stop laughing.

last day of mtdc.
reached sch at 1.15pm. damn late. wernt in, uv and ryan were laughing at me for being late. UV: wah so early! why u come late? me: cos they overslept! UV: *laughed like siao* started gathering with uv, ryan and jiamin and talked a lot. then conductor keep scolding ppl for talking. then aft that uv and ryan keep laughing at me throughout th whol practice of huang he. quite pekcek luh. finally break, UV: "eh, sorry sorry. dun angry. are u angry?" me:no. why should i? UV: heng arh! *relieved* then uv and ryan tld me what happened. damn xiasuay. then they keep dsiao me luh.

@ Monday, November 29, 2010

♥Friday, November 26, 2010♥

Finally CG 'camp' ended.

all the instructors turned up.
except for suo na, cello, and strings instruments instructor.
had combined practice with conductor.
Journey \m/
him: where are my scores???
me: oh over here *took it out from my file*
him: eh, if i nv ask for it you wont give it to me uh? *laughs*
him: did u practice this? *points to my scores*
me: YEAH! last week....
us: *laughs*
thn conductor keep teaching other sections, so instructor asked me to practice.
heng nv make mistakes. then he damn sarcastic luh.
him: these few notes shouldnt be a problem to u hor?
me: *fake laughs*
had dinner around 6+pm.
aft dinner, sectional practice(!)
instructor complained to us that he only slept for 1hr etcetc.
then pei lin tld him that he love SCO too much but he denied
then got ppl cant get the beats right
instructor got pekcek and accidentally flung the scores.
all of us stared at him while the scores drop on the floor.
quite scary uh...
i always thought he was veryveryvery patient and wont anyhow throw temper like other instructors.
then he walked away and teach yq.
so we gathered and talked a bit.
when he come back again he a bit okay again.
then practiced Heaven Burial.
part c againnnnn. :/
luckily okay uh.
instructor say we finally get it correct, he tonight can sleep well alr.
then instructor suddenly said :"there's no need to be scared, u actually know how to play, but ppl keep saying u about that part until u dun really know how to play."
wth. he sounded like ppl say until i become retarded.
but i keep laughing x.x
finally practice ended, went to night market with abby, amelia and jia li.

CG practice again! ^^
combined practice in the afternoon again.
instructor asked me for scores again.
i just tell him it's inside the percussion room,
then he started laughing. wth.
hehhehheh. i didnt create trouble for instructor
but he seemed disappointed that percussion no guys eh..
he:tsk, why this sch percussion no guys. *expressionless*
me:hahahah! *shrugs*
had dinner around 5++pm.
damn early.
at night, combined practice again.
nth much.
aft that, went to night market with same people.

break time!
played childhood's memories and yellow river with amelia on the drum.
then dizi instructor keep staring.
why sia.
aft dinner, erhu instructor and percussion instructor came.
then amelia said he hot.
wth?! this one confirm siaozharbor.
then amelia played tong nian de hui yi on xylophone.
then accidentally missed one note.
instructor immediately said wah dare to play wrongly!
hahaha he damn funny.
combined practice at night.
before that, i keep tio whack on th hand by ppl while playing on the drum in the dark.
instructor warned xin hong and some others not to play wrongly unless they wanna get beaten up.
but xin hong started laughing.
then i accidentally showed him th 0_0 face.
wth. then i faster looked away luh. so xiasuay.
short break again.
after that practiced Tian Zhang.
then conductor said smth about we getting buried first even before the person kena buried.
that was what i was thinking ytd.
x.x im getting sick of this song.
instructor helped me count the beats.
first line of part c still okay,
second line faster a bit in the middle.
ugh. then instructor reminded me not to play faster than the rest.
aft that, dismissal time. went to the same place.

got off the bus and started walking to the sch gate with amelia.
saw erhu instructor and percussion instructor behind rover they all.
woah, today they damn early.
havent even start practice yet and erhu instructor wanted erhu ppl to tune their instruments.
then percussion instructor tell him havent start yet no need so fast tune.
xin hong and me started texting[not to each other]
but instructor saw us keep using phone then he peeped at our msgs.
hahahah :X
conductor didnt come, so erhu instructor conducted us.
starting the first triad i alr played wronlgy.
but the erhu instructor nv say anything.
then i sticked out my tongue and looked at my instructor.
heh. he heard the wrong note and looked at me, showing th disgusted look.
i laughed like siao.
then got very long time before i play again, so started using phone.
suona instructor sent xin hong the song tian zhang, then she sent it to me.
instructor suddenly take out chocolate and shared with us.
i was looking at the 'computer instrument' then he shook the plastic bag to get my attention.
wow, thanks a lot.
the erhu instructor give th beat damn fast luh.
then i cant catch up, so instructor helped me play with the rest.
in the end he also cant, then he tell the erhu instructor too fast le.
^^ but the erhu instructor like nv slow down the speed. ):
before practiced ended, practiced tian zhang again.
this time instructor didnt help us count th beat and sat on th stage.
wah, kinda insecure.
then instructor still can smile to me from the stage before the erhu instructor start.
argh, he isnt that kind afterall.
heng, first part still okay, second part missed some notes and played some incorrect notes cos my sticks got jammed.
but when i looked up, instructor showed me thumbs up.
(: is he deaf? i didnt play well and he still smile at me.
then he like damn hyper alr, helped pei lin and xin hong to count th beats from the stage.
finally dinner time, ohmygod.
saw jojo, gee.t, rika and janice.
damn hyperrrrr.
ate dinner with them. so shiok.
had CG graduation night afterwards.
keep talking and laughing with abby, jia li, meiqi, karin, xin yan, amelia and cheryl.
aft that, went to night market again with same ppl.

this 4days damn nice luh. ^^ i want another 'camp'(!)

@ Friday, November 26, 2010

♥Saturday, November 20, 2010♥

open house{!}
reached sch at about 7.13am.
played the same songs and listened to the same thing for 5 times
siannnn :/
i screwed up one time by breaking the flow.
open house ended at around 11am.
went to ws with xinyan, jovina, amelia, charmaine etcetc [cant rmb who else luh :X]
second syf piece :DDDDDD
but no snare drum ):
i take another type of xylophone again
getting bored with the same type of instrument.
break timeeeee!
all become siao alr lorh.
keep running around and taking turns to hit each instruments
i've got a feeling this song's gonna be nice :DDD
aft cca, instructor gave us chocolates ^^
then xin hong keep chasing him out of th auditorium cos we wanna anyhow play again

second day of open house.
luckily this time only 1 batch.
but a lot of kiddies.
endddded, zhang lao shi wanted cg commitees and sl to stay back
aft that, went to ws to find things.
practice was in hall todayyyy
moved all the instrucments down to hall
heh. no strength x.x
wah, the notes all damn soft in the hall siaaaa.
finally practice new song. ^^
anyhow count and play wrong notes cos first time mahh :X
conductor also nv say anything.
then waste a lot of time cos a lot of ppl still not sure the tune.
ended at 5+pm, chionged home under the rain.
changed, met amelia again.
her mum drove us to ws.
thanks (:
then met others.
keep walking around cos we dk how go s.c.h
finally reached. almost late.
the girl that played xylophone damn cool ^^
andand, the guy sitting beside amelia look like my instructor.
break time, some of them went to find th instructors.
finally ended, took pic downstairs before going back to ws.
dinner/supper at mac ^^
amelia's dad sent me, xin yan, jiawen and rebecca home.
thanks ^^
reached home at around 12.30am, slept at 2.30am.

woke up at 7+am and off i go to Johor!
dad's m'sia friend took us there.
thanks ^^
it was drizzling in th morning.
lunched at some random shop.
th noodle damn nice ^^
then walk around.
th first shopping mall damn biggg.
around 3+pm, went to dad's friend rented house for a visit.
the house quite bigggg.
in front still got swing. *envy*
watched ben 10 on cartoon network.
heh. the boyboy in th house kinda cute.
then sit in the car to go another shopping mall.
damn tired. i wannaaa sleep! x.x
reached! randomly walkwalk again
finally dinner time! drove to some random shop again.
the fried rice and the 'jelly water' damn nice.
\m/ then bro say he dw come back s'pore.
on the way back, got car accident on the other side of th road.
heng, not that bad and not on our side.
reached home around 9.30pm.
i wanna go again!!! >:D

met up with commitee members and sl
started our work in the library.
lunched at subway until 1.10pm.
walk everywhere to find a clean void deck.
finally settled and start work again until 3+pm.
cleaned up, took mrt with xin yan, rebecca and charmaine.
reached tanah merah!
first time went there.
took bus 14. reached Temasek sec.
the banners damn colourful and th sch quite nice also luhh.
then yeon jae passed me her bk.
took bus 10 to tm interchange before taking mrt and bus back to home.
changed, practiced until 6.30pm then meet amelia again.
mtdc lesson was much better than last wk.
practiced a bit for technology, then percussion and yangqin combine.
^^ the song quite nice.
then instructor told yq instructor that each of us in percussion is unique.
heh. JM anyhow laugh, UV quite handsome and me no expression
JM keep laughing luh. damn cute. then instructor say he forgot to bring her medication
wth lahh. then we keep laughing. the yq instructor thought JM hicupped.
ended 10mins earlier than usual. stayed back a while to practice other instruments.
UV taught me how to roll on snare.
hehehehehhhhh ^^
thanks :D

went to huimin's house to finish up CG's work again.
very windyyyy (:
thanks for the lunch (:
finally, finished up most of it alr.
went home around 4.30pm.

rained heavy in the morning to early aftnn.
late for mtdc with xin yan.
shoe damn wet luhh.
practiced childhood's memories.
i tried playing th triangle for th fist time without any practice.
heng, zhang lao shi say not bad. (:
then practiced a bit for happy smth girl.
borrowed bumblebee scores from pri sch instructor during break time.
ended up borrowing it from benjamin.
went back to th dazu room to practice.
then another guy came in and asked what instruments we playing for solo.
then he say th pri sch girl playing th same instrument as me look like me.
damn friendly and quite cute luhh ^^
aft break, continued th previous song a bit.
zhang lao shi demostrated to dancing part then JM imitated him until damn cartoon.
then we laughed like siao.
then proceeded to guangmingxing.
i played snare drummmm!!
for the first time for that song.
cos uv played jason's instrument then nobody take snare.
everytime they ask me play i damn scared. today finally i tried it :D
came in too early for th second time. then i laughed until my head hit the stand
behind me.
damn painnnn. :/

@ Saturday, November 20, 2010